Here is my rhinoplasty review at Jewelry Plastic Surgery~
After Korea CSAT exam ended, I had a lot of time to spend, so I spend my time finding out about rhinoplasty cuz I've been
wanting to do nose job since forever!! >< I got it done at Jewelry and it already been 3 months since the surgery!!
Now, it does totally feel like my nose! I finally got used to it!
Pictures here is before surgery and 3 months after surgery!
Its not that my nose ridge totally low, but it was hump nose. There is hump on the ridge if you can see it.
My doctor removed it the hump naturally, and i am sooo in love with it!! I~~loike it!!
My friends said that my image looks different and my current nose look better!
My new friends in university also dont know that I got surgery haha i'm feeling so good cuz the outcome is not too obvious!