Breast Augmentation (Mentor Smooth)

A month after I got the breast augmentation surgery, I really feel the difference! First of all, scars! The thing that I've been worried about!

Currently, the scar is still in the healing process but, I can see that it is slowly fading away~So I dont worry about it much now~ 

For my breast surgery, I got it via underarm incision, so it does make it even less obvious^^

I think the scars got lighter because I received post-surgery care provided by Jewelry regularly.

Well most of all, I really LOVE the shape of my breasts now!!


As you can see in the picture, my breast surgery really went well, right? 

The breast that doesn't even show the cleavage line even after everything I tried before this, it creates the cleavage line that I want all along! I am so happy about this!

The touch texture also feels different every 1 month and I really looking forward to seeing how the touch texture will change after 6 months~

I seriously, honestly think that it was a good decision of mine to get the surgery with Mentor Smooth implants! Heard good things about it before~

I'm on cloud nine right now cuz even my bodyline looks different (in a good way) and much better than before!


So happy!!!
