Double Eyelids, Nose (Ear Cartilage), Nostrils Reduction, Jaw Implant, Jaw Botox


Can you see how big my nostrils were? Thats became one of the main reason I chose to do plastic surgery

I want my face to look more defined(?) more versatile =)

Doctor at Jewelry was so kind and when he explained to me about the procedures, he really explained it well till I understand how the process will go


This was 4 days after the surgery

You can still see the bruises a lil and swelling but for me, it was not that painful

while waiting till the stitches removal day, I went for a walk around my accommodation alot because I heard it helps with the recovery


I present to you..ME! hehehe How do I look? XDXDXD

I am awe with how I look now! I still cant believe it everytime I look into the mirror

Everything are how the way I want! It is a dream come true

I will recommend Jewelry to my friend =) 
