Thighs Liposuction


<My thick, big thighs (before)>

Living back to back home<->work everyday...

My weight at my thighs became thicker day by day

Since then, I never dream to wear a skirt and hard to find pants that match my size

I tried exercising but to no result

So I finally decided to have liposuction at my thighs at Jewelry Plastic Surgery



The doctor really done a nice work!

From a thick thighs to slimmer one^^

I still cant believe it everytime I looked into the mirror haha

There are still swelling and bruising left but the doctor said that it will be gone 2~4 months after and the result will be much more natural after that

OMG I cant wait!!!


If I knew that the result will be this superb, I would have had the surgery sooner, but I'm glad I did it now!

By the friends don't even know that I had surgery LOL <the result really look natural>

My friends asked me how I diet hahahah

Thank you so much for make my dream to wear short pants and skirts this summer~~~

I really recommended here! I will definitely recommend it if my friends ask!!

Now, time to diet and exercise (again) so that it will not go back to what it used to look hehehe
