Cheek Bone Reduction, Face Fat Grafting


Hello everyone

Want to share my experience at Jewelry

Since getting older, Ive noticed that my face little by little getting sagging, which make me looks 10 years older than my actual age..(damn...)

Then, I decided to have cheekbone reduction surgery as well as adding up more fat at my face to make it look plumper and elastic =D

Right after the surgery, I noticed it right away that my face shape and the condition of it became better and really different than before =)​

Ive been dreaming to get a flawless and egg-liked shape face >< 

Everything from consultation till after the surgery, the service provided at Jewelry really satisfied me and they were kind too (plus point for that^_^)

Oh! I also realized that my smile line disappeared as well! Magic, right? And my face that used to be flat, now it has volumeXD 

Hope its stay as long as I want! Thank you Jewelry for this outcome! 
